SSI Cable Technology

What is hindering your musical enjoyment?

As audiophiles, we long for an expansive soundstage, layering, 3D imaging, musicality, realism, involvement and musical emotion. These are things that cannot be measured with equipment. The only instrument that can detect these things is the human ear, the human experience. These things are the most important in our hobby. It is what we strive for... the human emotional experience. This is exactly how we develop our products, that the music touches the heart of the listener.

Did you know that your cables are causing distortions? These distortions are robbing your system of life and realism. What would you experience without these distortions? John Z wrote...

"I hooked the Morrow Audio cables up and the improvement was dramatic! I replaced my AQ balanced cables from preamp to amp with the Morrow Audio MA7 interconnects. I was floored! I was expecting some improvements, but not as substantial as this. I heard a wider and taller soundstage and an incredible expansion of midrange realism (this was the greatest improvement of all). The highs and lows were more precise and there was a massive improvement of what I will call the 3 dimensional aspect."

What are these distortions? There are two categories of distortions in cables...

1. Distortions that can be measured: Frequency response, phase, noise, etc. These are distortions which can be measured with laboratory equipment. Most cables when tested this way measure the same, yet, when listened to in a system, can sound very different. The reason why are the other forms of distortions that lab equipment cannot yet detect.

2. Distortions that are not measurable: These types can only be detected with your own ears in the listening room. These are those that affect soundstage width and depth, musicality, dynamics and realism - the musical presentation, the emotional impact, like the 3D roundness of the images within the sound field.

These factors; musicality, realism, 3D imaging, dynamics, soundstage and more, are the most important elements that provide the satisfaction and enjoyment that we desire as audiophiles. No laboratory equipment as of this writing can measure these things, they can only be experienced.

As mentioned, Morrow Audio has chosen to design our cables with that approach - the experience. Does it produce musicality and realism? Does it provoke emotion in the listener?  Does it seem like the performers are right in the listening room? Our ears are the most important tool we use in the design of our products. Through vast experimentation and listening, we have discovered the elements in the design that accomplishes the realism, emotion and enjoyment that we desire.

"I have been mixing live sound close to 20 years as well as gone through many sound systems over the past 35 years. I have wasted away a lot of money trying to achieve the sound as if one was playing an instrument live. These cables do just that! They don't add any coloration to the music. You feel & hear the real soul of the instruments and vocals. I have had other sound engineers in my home to listen to these cables. Their mouths would drop open & they would have big smiles on their faces!" - Garry

Here is another way to describe these distortions and how they affect realism. When attending an audiophile trade show, you walk by rooms where stereo systems are playing. Even from afar off, you know that it is a stereo system playing.

You now hear something different. There is life and energy. Somehow, you know it is live music. As you round the corner, it indeed is!

Have you every been somewhere and heard music off in the distance, saying to yourself, "that is live music"? Why? What made you conclude that?

The difference between the stereo system and the live event are a form of the distortion we are talking about. Why is the recording of a live event sound so different from the actual live event? It is a form of distortion.

With our cable design, the difference between the recording and the live event are much less. You are “there”. The window is less cloudy, the experience more real. Everything comes through; the subtle cues that create the soundstage, the realness, are experienced. Many who own our cables, describe their listening sessions as an "emotional experience".

“I can’t stop smiling and I can’t stop listening! This is with my only installing one of the three sets of Morrow cables! I stayed up all night on the day of delivery. My wife called me a moron, and kept me up all night till the next day. I’m exhausted. Background accompaniments became more than just sounds in the background. Pianos sound like pianos  I can hear individual instruments within sections.  Classical music goes from ppp to fff. Lastly, enjoyment. This is as close to live music as I have achieved on any system in my home.” - David

The Three Distortion Causing Elements in Traditional Cables:

1. Cables That Use Stranded Wire:

Under the insulation of a cable, you will most likely find tiny bare wire strands all twisted together. This is called stranded wire. In stranded wire designs, the strands touch each other thousands of times at various points along the length of the wire, causing the signal to jump from strand to strand instead of flowing through a solid continuum.

The results are phase distortions at each point where the strands come into contact, causing distortion of the signal; blurred imaging, lost soundstage cues, bloated and non-defined bass, etc. Details like the 3rd and 4th echo off the hall, subtle harmonics and depth are lost.

Unfortunately, all common box store cables that one can buy use stranded wire in their design. Likewise, the cables you found in the box with your equipment are stranded. If you have such cables in your system, you will hear a profound and dramatic improvement with our properly designed cables.

The most mentioned improvement is that the soundstage doubles or even triples in size; left to right width and front to back depth is greatly increased. Some of our customers have even been able to identify in their recordings instrument brands and concert halls when using our cables, all of the harmonics come through to allow that.

The Morrow Audio Design: 
Morrow Audio signal cables use ONLY solid core OFC (oxygen free copper) wire, NEVER stranded. This is the first "S" in our technology. We eliminate all stranded wire distortion effects by using only solid core wire. You will hear much more information in your music that was lost from the smearing effect that stranded wire produces. Our cables contain multiple runs of wire. They are mono strands, individually insulated from each other. These multiple runs yield a profound and realistic presentation of the music.

"At one point, I just couldn't believe what I was hearing, it was wow, Wow, WOW! I am startled at times by the immediacy of the sound. Percussion is incredible with sharp, detailed attacks that allow me to hear every detail of what is going on. I love just listening to music and being able to trace every musical line in the orchestra. It's like having X-ray audio vision. I'm now starting to think that cables are the most important part of the system! Morrow Audio has opened up a whole new world. Fantastic stuff!" - Charlie H

The physics behind our design: "When I first heard of the technology Morrow Audio uses to build their cables, I thought - what a great idea! I have a physics degree and am familiar with Maxwell's equations.

There are four equations that describe how electro-magnetic waves traverse media. You probably already know this but... Morrow's use of small, solid core, insulated, never stranded, OFC means that the electrical signal can travel down the core without touching any part of the signal that is traveling down an adjacent strand.  Looking at it another way, if there were two strands of Cu cable touching each other, there's an exchange of information/power, from one strand to the other, but there's also a phase shift at the interface where signal becomes slightly out of phase with adjacent signal.  Some people call this smearing, which I think is the phase shift that results when two materials are in contact with each other. Even if the material is identical, there's still a phase shift. This phase shift can be a real problem.  I now own a bunch of Morrow cables!" Mike C

2. Cables That Use Large Gauge Wire:
Different frequencies tend to ride at various depths in the wire structure; the highs, mids and lows tend to separate which cause time and phase errors in the signal. This is commonly known as the "skin effect". When a large gauge wire is used, this problem is even greater, resulting in phase and timing errors. The soundstage is reduced and instrument timbre is distorted.

The Morrow Audio Design: 

Morrow Audio signal cables ONLY use a small gauge wire. This is the second "S" in our technology. The different frequencies ride at the same plane in the wire, resulting in less phase and timing errors. A more accurate sound is the result. The soundstage is huge, instrument timber is accurate, it seems like the performers are in your room.

"I am listening to Famous Blue Raincoat by Jennifer Warnes. I've listened to this CD for 20 years. My system has never sounded like this. You promised and delivered! I didn't doubt your integrity, but have heard so many promises that just don't deliver. But now I am experiencing just beautiful sounds here. Lots of audio people can wax poetic on all this but I'm just going to say that the MA1 interconnects are working like I want it too; dramatic difference in all area of subjective analysis. You should be, and I think you are, proud of your products and design achievements!" - John B

3. Cables That Use Heavy Insulators: 
Some cable designs use large cable jackets or even heavy insulators to insulate their cable.

Inside common cable designs are internal conductors with an extruded insulation of some sort. The insulation material is in close and immediate contact with the conductor along its entire length. One of these conductors might be in the form of a wire mesh that surrounds the center conductor, acting as a shield from RFI.

Wrapped around all this is the outer casing of the cable, made out of rubber, PVC, Teflon or some other material.

These insulation elements all form the dielectric of the wire, which has a tendency to absorb and release energy to and from the conductors. This occurrence produces a negative sonic affect; smearing of the signal and other distortions. The greater the number of insulating layers there are, the greater this distortion will be. The thickness of these layers is also a factor of concern, with thicker layers being the worst.

Have you ever heard of speaker cable lifts? They are little stands that lift the cables off the floor, improving the sound. The improvement comes by keeping the electrical field from reflecting back into the cable off the floor. Why then do cable manufacturers apply decorative mesh, thick insulation and other signal distorting elements in their design?

The Morrow Audio Design: 
Morrow Audio cables DO NOT use heavy insulators. Each strand of wire is individually insulated from one another and are held together with cotton weaving. This is then covered with the outer nylon mesh that you see on the outside of the cable. This is the "I" in our technology. This allows the least amount of reflection back into the cable, retaining the quality of the music you love.

With the Morrow Audio cables, your music flows unhindered, resulting in greater realism as well as a longer and more enjoyable listening session. Those who have have heard our cables describe it as a "Listening Experience".

Begin your experience!

  • Affordable prices starting at $79.00 see sale
  • 60 Day Returns
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  • Lifetime Warranty

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    "I'm never really sure how to explain what I hear in a way that's meaningful to others, but there is no doubt that your cables have brought a sense of transparency, scale, imaging, dynamics and detail to my system that I have never experienced before. They have given the sound of my system an injection of life without adding anything artificial or exaggerated. To put it simply, I hear more of the music, I feel more connected to the music and the messages the musicians are trying to convey is so much clearer. I wholeheartedly recommend Morrow Cables to anyone seeking better sound and I'll be adding to my Morrow arsenal by ordering speaker cables to connect my amp to my Troels Gravesen designed DTQWT speakers as soon as I can." - Michael B